Aug 2013BEA Retreat
BEA Elementary Rep Executive Board members Becky Allen (Grace Jordan) and Christine Simon (Pierce Park) spent time during a break doing some retail therapy in McCall while attending the BEA retreat.

Sep 2012Thank you phone bank volunteers!
Educators and community volunteers from Trail Wind Elementary and William H. Taft Elementary
Sep 2012Registration now open for the 2012 BEA Professional Development Academy
The BEA Professional Development Academy will be held during the State In-service Day on Thursday, October 4, 2012 at West Jr. High in Boise. Go to http://boiseea.org/pd/2012academy/ to register. Registration will close on Friday, September 28 at 8:00 pm.

Aug 2012Why vote “NO” on Props 1, 2, and 3?
Please visit www.votenoprop123.com for additional information and opportunities to volunteer. Props 1, 2, & 3 On the Ballot Below you will find the official wording of the so-called Luna Laws as it will appear on the ballot on Tuesday, November 6th. Specific concerns about the consequences of these laws, and their impact on Boise students and teachers are in bold following each Proposition. PROPOSITION 1…

Aug 2012The BEA welcomes new educators to the Boise School District
Executive Board members, committee members, and other BEA volunteers met with over 150 new Boise educators on Tuesday, Aug. 21 at the annual BEA New Teacher Luncheon held in the South JH cafeteria. This event provides a needed break from the hustle of the first days of inservice work for the newly hired educators of the Boise School Distirct. At the luncheon, BEA members visit…
May 2012IEA Recommended Candidates
2012 Primary Election – IEA-PACE Recommended Candidates The IEA-PACE Committee met on April 13-14, 2012 and recommended the following twenty four candidates for the 2012 primary election. The committee made a $500 contribution to candidates who received the IEA-PACE recommendation and have a challenger in the primary. Candidates who do not face a primary challenge received no primary contribution. District 2, State Representative, Position B…