Oct 2013BEA Members Take Over Cottonwood Grille on October 22, 2013
Check out some of the Boise School District and BEA members who came to celebrate the end of the 1st quarter at the Cottonwood Grille! They shared successes and struggles and collaborated on curriculum and class activities.

Oct 2013BEA Sponsors October Day Professional Development
BEA partnered with the Idaho Social Workers Organization to present Julia Cook, national award winning author of children’s books on October 3 at Cathedral of the Rockies. Over 120
Sep 2013IEA visits Boise Schools
IEA Visits Longfellow & Morley Nelson Elementary Schools, West Jr High, and Frank Church High School on Listening Tour

Sep 2013
Sep 2013BEA Steering Committee Retreat
BEA Steering Committee members spent all day July 20 planning programs and activities for Boise ESP’s as we enter the new school year.

Aug 2013NEA Director John Stocks Visits Boise
John Stocks, Executive Director of NEA, met with BEA members and friends in Boise during a recent trip to Idaho.