Nov 2011BEA Celebrates 100% Membership Schools
At the November 14, 2011 Rep Council meeting, 10 District schools were recognized for having 100% of their certified staff signed up as members of the BEA-IEA-NEA family. Pictured above are representatives from 9 of those schools. From left to right: Debbie Griffith- Pierce Park Elementary, Cynthia Lee – Marian Pritchett School, Beverly Schumacher – Maple Grove Elementary, Kim Andersen – Liberty Elementary, Becky Allen…

Oct 2011BEA Members Attend SPARKS Retreat
On October 7-9, 2011, fifteen participants from the Boise Education Association gathered at Bear Creek Lodge, outside of McCall, for this year’s SPARKS retreat. BEA members in their first to fifth year of teaching experience are invited once every other year to participate in a SPARKS retreat. It provides an opportunity for new to career professionals to meet and get to know other teachers from…

Sep 2011BEA Back to School Picnic 2011
A crowd of BEA members, friends, family, and colleagues gathered at Owyhee Park on Thursday, Sept. 29 to welcome another academic year to the Boise School District. At the beginning of each school year, the BEA sponsors a picnic as an opportunity to share summer stories, hopes for the new year, and memories of years past. We appreciate all those who could attend, and wish…

Sep 2011School Board approves Levy vote March 13, 2012 to maintain class sizes and quality programs
Information from a BSD Press Release: Boise, ID –09/12/2011– Budget cuts totaling $21.9 million over the last three years and the prospect of further cuts to student programs are prompting the Boise School District to go to voters in March seeking approval of a supplemental levy election. On Monday, September 12, 2011, Boise School Board members unanimously approved a recommendation from the District’s administration to…