Oct 2013BEA Sponsors October Day Professional Development
BEA partnered with the Idaho Social Workers Organization to present Julia Cook, national award winning author of children’s books on October 3 at Cathedral of the Rockies. Over 120
Sep 2013IEA visits Boise Schools
IEA Visits Longfellow & Morley Nelson Elementary Schools, West Jr High, and Frank Church High School on Listening Tour

Sep 2013BEA Steering Committee Retreat
BEA Steering Committee members spent all day July 20 planning programs and activities for Boise ESP’s as we enter the new school year.
May 2012IEA Recommended Candidates
2012 Primary Election – IEA-PACE Recommended Candidates The IEA-PACE Committee met on April 13-14, 2012 and recommended the following twenty four candidates for the 2012 primary election. The committee made a $500 contribution to candidates who received the IEA-PACE recommendation and have a challenger in the primary. Candidates who do not face a primary challenge received no primary contribution. District 2, State Representative, Position B…

Jan 2012Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Economic Forum
Boise Education Association members, Morgan Coats, Kari Overall, and Christine Simon participated in a Martin Luther King, Jr. economic forum at the Idaho Capitol on Monday, January 16. The Idaho Job Coalition sponsored a “Kitchen Table Economics” discussion to highlight the struggles of working families in Idaho. Keynote speaker Dr. Stephen Cooke, a retired University of Idaho professor, outlined a grim litany of facts about…

Jan 2012Yes! For Boise Schools – Levy vote March 13, 2012
The Boise Education Association fully supports the efforts of parents, community members, educators, and students in their campaign to pass the Boise School District Levy on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. If you would like to donate funds toward this campaign, get active as a volunteer, and/or help through other means and resources, please contact the Friends of Boise Public Schools through their website Yes! For…